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3311 Einträge gesamt:  <<  201  221  241  261  281  301  321  341  361  381  >> 

EntwurfsmusterGamma,Erich / Helm,Richard / Johnson,RalphAddison-Wesley06/199679,90
VBA-Programmierung mit Excel 7Kofler, MichaelAddison-Wesley03/199679,90
JavaSpaces Principles, Patterns, and PracticeFreeman,Allyn / Arnold,KenAddison-Wesley01/200079,90
Inside Java 2 Platform SecurityGong,LiAddison-Wesley01/200069,90
The Java Class Libraries Second Edition, Volume 1Chan, Patrick / Lee, Rosanna / Kramer, DouglasAddison-Wesley01/2000109,90
The Java Class Libraries Second Edition, Volume 2Chan,Patrick / Lee,RosannaAddison-Wesley01/2000109,90
The Java Programming Language Second EditionArnold,Ken / Gosling,JamesAddison-Wesley12/199979,90
The Java Tutorial Second EditionCampione,Mary / Walrath,KathyAddison-Wesley12/199979,90
The Java 3D API SpecificationSowizral,Henry / Rushforth,Kevin / Deering,MichaelAddison-Wesley12/199779,90
The Java Native Interface - Programmer´s Guide and SpecificationLiang,ShengAddison-Wesley12/199979,90
SAP R/3 on the InternetMatzke,Bernd / Pérez,Mario / Hildenbrand,AlexanderAddison-Wesley05/1999103,95
SAP R/3 System - A Client/Server TechnologyBuck-Emden,Rüdiger / Galimow,JürgenAddison-Wesley06/199882,95
The Java Virtual Machine Specification Second EditionLindholm,Tim / Yellin,FrankAddison-Wesley199989,90
The Java Developers Almanac 1999Chan,PatrickAddison-Wesley12/199939,90
The JFC Swing Tutorial - A Guide to Constructing GUIsWalrath,Kathy / Campione,MaryAddison-Wesley12/199979,90
The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, Volume 1 Addison-Wesley12/199959,90
The Java Tutorial Continued: The Rest of the JDKCampione,Mary / Walrath,KathyAddison-Wesley12/199979,90
SAP R/3 & OracleSpence,GregAddison-Wesley01/200099,95
The Jini SpecificationArnold,KenAddison-Wesley01/200079,90
Computer Graphics - Principles and PracticeFoley,James D. et al.Addison-Wesley199889,00
3311 Einträge gesamt:  <<  201  221  241  261  281  301  321  341  361  381  >> 

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